Phosphorus-31 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Double- and Triple-Helical Nucleic Acids. Phosphorus-31 Chemical Shifts as a Probe of Phosphorus-Oxygen Ester Bond Torsional Angles

David G. Gorenstein, Bruce A. Luxon, Evelyn M. Goldfield, Kofen Lai, Donna Vegeais

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

52 Scopus citations


The temperature dependence to the 31P NMR spectra of poly[d(GC)]·poly[d(GC)], d(GC)4, phenylalanine tRNA (yeast) and mixtures of poly(A) + oligo(U) is presented. The 31P NMR spectra of mixtures of complementary RNA and of the poly d(GC) self-complementary DNA provide torsional information on the phosphate ester conformation in the double, triple, and “Z” helix. The increasing downfield shift with temperature for the single-strand nucleic acids provides a measure of the change in the phosphate ester conformation in the single helix to coil conversion. A separate upfield peak (20–26% of the total phosphates) is observed at lower temperatures in the oligo(U)·poly(A) mixtures which is assigned to the double helix/triple helix. Proton NMR and UV spectra confirm the presence of the multistrand forms. The 31P chemical shift for the double helix/triple helix is 0.2–0.5 ppm upfield from the chemical shift for the single helix which in turn is 1.0 ppm upfield from the chemical shift for the random coil conformation.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)580-589
Number of pages10
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1982
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Biochemistry


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