Guglielmi detachable coil erosion into the common bile duct after embolization of iatrogenic hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm

Orhan S. Ozkan, Eric M. Walser, Devrim Akinci, William Nealon, Brian Goodacre

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

21 Scopus citations


Intermittent hemobilia with a hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm can be seen after open or laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Transcatheter treatment of this complication is widely accepted. Although some authors suggest packing the pseudoaneurysm with coils as the treatment of choice, occluding the parent artery is the standard treatment. The authors present an unusual complication of Guglielmi detachable coil erosion into the common bile duct in a patient who presented with pancreatitis 2 years after undergoing packing of the hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm with coils. The probable causes of this rare outcome and alternative treatment options are discussed.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number61778
Pages (from-to)935-938
Number of pages4
JournalJournal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology
Issue number9
StatePublished - 2002


  • Bile ducts, injuries
  • Embolization, complications
  • Hepatic arteries, embolization

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Radiology Nuclear Medicine and imaging
  • Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine


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