Correction to: Impact of intensive care unit supportive care on the physiology of Ebola virus disease in a universally lethal non-human primate model (Intensive Care Medicine Experimental, (2019), 7, 1, (54), 10.1186/s40635-019-0268-8)

Guillaume Poliquin, Duane Funk, Shane Jones, Kaylie Tran, Charlene Ranadheera, Mable Hagan, Kevin Tierney, Allen Grolla, Amrinder Dhaliwal, Alexander Bello, Anders Leung, Cory Nakamura, Darwyn Kobasa, Darryl Falzarano, Lauren Garnett, Hugues Fausther Bovendo, Heinz Feldmann, Murray Kesselman, Gregory Hansen, Jason GrenGeorge Risi, Mia Biondi, Todd Mortimer, Trina Racine, Yvon Deschambault, Sam Aminian, Jocelyn Edmonds, Ray Saurette, Mark Allan, Lauren Rondeau, Sharron Hadder, Christy Press, Christine DeGraff, Stephanie Kucas, Bradley W.M. Cook, B. J. Hancock, Anand Kumar, Reeni Soni, Daryl Schantz, Jarrid McKitrick, Bryce Warner, Bryan D. Griffin, Xiangguo Qiu, Gary P. Kobinger, Dave Safronetz, Derek Stein, Todd Cutts, James Kenny, Geoff Soule, Robert Kozak, Steven Theriault, Liam Menec, Robert Vendramelli, Sean Higgins, Logan Banadyga, Guodong Liu, Md Niaz Rahim, Samantha Kasloff, Angela Sloan, Shihua He, Nikesh Tailor, Alixandra Albietz, Brad Pickering, Gary Wong, Michael Gray, James E. Strong

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review


Please note that four authors (Logan Banadyga, Alixandra Albietz, Brad Pickering, and Gary Wong) have been erroneously omitted from the author list in the published original article [1]. Furthermore, note that three author names have been misspelled: ‘Niaz Md Rahim’ should be ‘Md Niaz Rahim’; ‘Ray Sourette’ should be ‘Ray Saurette’; ‘Darryl Schantz’ should be ‘Daryl Schantz’. Please find the corrected author list in this article, with the importance of the contributions of the omitted authors reflected in the revised order of the list. The authors apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number66
JournalIntensive Care Medicine Experimental
Issue number1
StatePublished - Dec 1 2019
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Emergency Medicine
  • Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine
  • Physiology (medical)


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