Combined effects of hyperaminoacidemia and oxandrolone on skeletal muscle protein synthesis

Melinda Sheffield-Moore, Robert R. Wolfe, Dennis C. Gore, Steven E. Wolf, Dennis M. Ferrer, Arny A. Ferrando

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

26 Scopus citations


We investigated whether the normal anabolic effects of acute hyperaminoacidemia were maintained after 5 days of oxandrolone (Oxandrin, Ox)-induced anabolism. Five healthy men [22 ± 3 (SD) yr] were studied before and after 5 days of oral Ox (15 mg/day). In each study, a 5-h basal period was followed by a 3-h primed-continuous infusion of a commercial amino acid mixture (10% Travasol). Stable isotopic data from blood and muscle sampling were analyzed using a three-compartment model to calculate muscle protein synthesis and breakdown. Model-derived muscle protein synthesis increased after amino acid infusion in both the control [basal control (BC) vs. control + amino acids (C + AA); P < 0.001] and Ox study [basal Ox (BOx) vs. Ox + amino acids (Ox + AA); P < 0.01], whereas protein breakdown was unchanged. Fractional synthetic rates of muscle protein increased 94% (BC vs. C + AA; P = 0.01) and 53% (BOx vs. Ox + AA; P < 0.01), respectively. We conclude that the normal anabolic effects of acute hyperaminoacidemia are maintained in skeletal muscle undergoing oxandrolone- induced anabolism.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)E273-E279
JournalAmerican Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism
Issue number2 41-2
StatePublished - Feb 2000


  • Amino acids
  • Anabolic agent
  • Stable isotopes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Medicine


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