Building Capacity for a Global Genome Editing Observatory: Institutional Design

Krishanu Saha, J. Benjamin Hurlbut, Sheila Jasanoff, Aziza Ahmed, Anthony Appiah, Elizabeth Bartholet, Françoise Baylis, Gaymon Bennett, George Church, I. Glenn Cohen, George Daley, Kevin Finneran, William Hurlbut, Rudolf Jaenisch, Laurence Lwoff, John Paul Kimes, Peter Mills, Jacob Moses, Buhm Soon Park, Erik ParensRachel Salzman, Abha Saxena, Hilton Simmet, Tania Simoncelli, O. Carter Snead, Kaushik Sunder Rajan, Robert D. Truog, Patricia Williams, Christiane Woopen

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review


A new infrastructure is urgently needed at the global level to facilitate exchange on key issues concerning genome editing. We advocate the establishment of a global observatory to serve as a center for international, interdisciplinary, and cosmopolitan reflection. This article is the second of a two-part series.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)741-743
Number of pages3
JournalTrends in Biotechnology
Issue number8
StatePublished - Aug 2018
Externally publishedYes


  • bioethics
  • ethics
  • genome editing
  • science and technology studies
  • science policy

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Biotechnology
  • Bioengineering


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