An interaction network in the polymerase active site is a prerequisite for Watson-Crick base pairing in Pol ?

Joon Park, Geoffrey K. Herrmann, Arkanil Roy, Christie K. Shumate, G. Andrés Cisneros, Y. Whitney Yin

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The replication accuracy of DNA polymerase gamma (Pol ?) is essential for mitochondrial genome integrity. Mutation of human Pol ? arginine-853 has been linked to neurological diseases. Although not a catalytic residue, Pol ? arginine-853 mutants are void of polymerase activity. To identify the structural basis for the disease, we determined a crystal structure of the Pol ? mutant ternary complex with correct incoming nucleotide 2'-deoxycytidine 5'-triphosphate (dCTP). Opposite to the wild type that undergoes open-to- closed conformational changes when bound to a correct nucleotide that is essential for forming a catalytically competent active site, the mutant complex failed to undergo the conformational change, and the dCTP did not base pair with its Watson-Crick complementary templating residue. Our studies revealed that arginine-853 coordinates an interaction network that aligns the 3'-end of primer and dCTP with the catalytic residues. Disruption of the network precludes the formation of Watson-Crick base pairing and closing of the active site, resulting in an inactive polymerase.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numbereadl3214
JournalScience Advances
Issue number21
StatePublished - May 24 2024
Externally publishedYes

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