Equipments Details
The Synthetic Organic Chemistry Core (SOCC) at UTMB was established in 1998 to study and develop new methods and protocols for the synthesis of modified nucleosides representing known DNA damage, and for conversion of these nucleosides into phosphoramidites that can be conveniently and site-specifically incorporated into synthetic DNA sequences. The SOCC also develops methods for incorporating lesion sites into oligonucleotides via post-synthesis methods and protocols for purifying and analyzing these defined products. The synthetic organic services provided have also been adapted and expanded over the past 10 years to accommodate a growing need for synthesis and purification of other small molecules and bioconjugates that are of interest to biomedical and environmental health researchers at UTMB and elsewhere. This area of synthesis continues to grow rapidly with expansion of the Integrative Health Sciences Facility Core's Exposure Assessment and Biomarker Development Facility and its focus on assay development for monitoring exposure and disease.
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